Sunday, November 28, 2010

what I learned from disney cartoons

Eva and I headed to the movies today to see "Tangled," the latest Disney animated film.  I've been wondering for years when they'd do the whole Rapunzel story.  I mean as a kid I started ticking off all the fairy tales that I knew & there were only a few left that Disney hadn't covered.  Well folks, here it is, the bottom of the barrel.  According to my cousin, who is a research analyst for Starz, Disney did research with 5-6 year old girls recently & compared it to research on 8-9 year old girls from the 80's.  Apparently 25 years ago, when little girls were asked what they wanted to be the words "princess" & "pretty" were the 2 that came up the most.  The recent study shows that 5-6 year old girls want to be "hot" & "cool."  I find that absolutely atrocious, and a wake up call for parents.  So apparently "Tangled" will be the last of the fairy tales, since there isn't a demand for them by 5-6 year old girls anymore.
Now on to the much more interesting things I've learned from Disney movies.  This is a collaborative effort with Eva.  We discussed it coming out of the theater in my "cynical about romance" state that happens after movies.
10.  If you are the size of a toothpick, true love is bound to find you.
9.  If you have a dream, it will come true & in the process you will meet the love of your life.
8.  If you fling your hair about, especially if it is blond, it will automatically attract prince charming.
7.  If you go around wielding a frying pan & use it to knock out the next man, he will surely end up being the love of your life.
6.  If your eyes are half the size of your face, you will get a man.
5.  If you have a trusty animal sidekick, such as a hummingbird, chameleon or mouse, you will not only have a protector, but a sure sign that true love will soon follow.
4.  If you have an amazing voice & sing in the forest, small creatures will flock to you & so will men.
3.  If you have been lost or hidden from your parents, you will undoubtedly find true love riding up to you on a horse. He will restore you to your parents & marry you.
2. If you are the heiress to a kingdom, you will find the love of your life.
1. If you can pull off pastels, you can totally get prince charming (or pc for short).
Number 1 explains a lot in my life.  Bummer that my color scheme is winter! 


Marie said...


So do you think Tangled would be ok for a 4 year old?

chelsey said...

Have you seen this? It's really beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Yes!