Tuesday, March 17, 2009

birthday blessing

I have just been so thoroughly overwhelmed by the birthday wishes today! Every time I checked my phone at work there were new messages, and my email inbox was overflowing with well wishes from so many people. I felt so loved!
After work, I took a short run in the neig
hborhood around my aunt's house in the 70 degree weather before going out with my cousins. We went to a little sports bar, because the Irish pub had a line forever long, had drinks and ate. Afterward, we came back to my other aunt's house for Italian Cream Cake and birthday time with the rest of the family that couldn't come to dinner. I just enjoyed being surrounded by so many people that I love on my birthday, and it was the first time ever for me to be with this part of my extended family on my birthday. I must admit that I've liked being a military kid most of my life, but when it comes to family celebrations, I enjoy being with this part of may family so much! This birthday will be a memorable one for so many reasons, and I know there will be more like this to come. Thank you to all of you for the birthday greetings, too!
Here are some pictures from the hike up the incline this past Saturday with Tom & Jessie. Don't I look amazing in running tights? (*not*)

1 comment:

Marie said...

That looks HARD!